SF 2015

A brand new Soul Food class will run at Community Thrive, from February 1 through April 30, 2015.

You can expect: 

  • 3 Head Chefs: Mystele Kirkeeng, Heather Santos and Jeanette House
  • 17 Sous-Chefs
  • 2 video instruction mixed media lessons per week for 3 months
  • Each artist’s favourite comfort food cooking recipe
  • All downloadable videos
  • Classroom access through Dec 31, 2015
  • Access to a private Soul Food community group on Facebook

Soul Food 2015 in English

- And a sneak peak from my lesson

Sneak Peak Soul Food 2015 - fleksiba.dkIt took a while, and also more than I had expected, to make my contribution ready for Soul Food 2015.

The first time I made the contribution, I forgot to keep the painting in the camera's eye, because at the time I had not figured out how to turn the flap on the camcorder. I could only see what I was doing, if I stood on a chair behind the table, so I could get on top of the camera. It was not convenient, but as the blonde, I also can be, it was my approach to the process, and indeed it was creative in its own way, if I can say so myself. Fortunately... Read more... 

Soul Food 2015

- og et smugkig fra min lektion 

Sneak Peak Soul Food 2015 - fleksiba.dk

Det tog sin tid, og også mere end jeg havde regnet med, at lave mit bidrag klar til Soul Food 2015.

Første gang jeg lavede bidraget, glemte jeg at holde maleriet inden for kameraets øje, fordi jeg ikke havde fundet ud af at vende klappen på videokameraet. Jeg kunne kun se, hvad jeg lavede, hvis jeg stillede mig op på en skammel bag bordet, så jeg kunne komme oven over kameraet. Det var ikke praktisk, men som den blondine, jeg også kan være, var det min tilgang til processen, og det var faktisk kreativt på sin egen måde, hvis jeg selv skal sige det. Heldigvis... Læs mere her...


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